Business travel has risks for both companies and employees. There is a lot that goes into safety procedures that many employees are unaware of. As a head of an organization, there are certain safeguards you need to ensure are in place to make certain that not only your employees are safe, but also that your company is protected in case something unpredictable happens.
PropertyCasualty360.com issued a list from a report by ACE\’s Accident and Health Division with some safety tips that will reduce risk in a variety of travel scenarios. Highlights of the list are below, but the full list can be found here.
1. \”Review your travel insurance policy to make sure it provides adequate accident, health and emergency response benefits for traveling employees.\”
2. \”Remember many domestic health care plans may not respond at the point of service if an employee is injured or suffers a medical emergency while traveling on business, especially if traveling outside of the country. Check with your healthcare provider and consider making short-term out-of-country medical insurance available for your global travelers.\”
3. \”Stay alert and watch your bags and laptop carefully. Stay especially aware when traveling through a security checkpoint and while waiting in a lobby or terminal.\”
4. \”If you notice anyone acting in an unusual or suspicious manner, alert an airline employee or the authorities.\”
5. \”Do not leave valuables in plain sight in the vehicle. Lock personal items in the trunk when leaving the car.\”